May 18, 2006 - At around 08:15hrs Quinebaug Valley 911 dispatched full assignments for Lisbon, Taftville and Jewett City FAST to 38 Club House Rd for a vehicle fire in an unattached garage. Lisbon Dep Chief Car-154 arrived with Taftville's ET-21 to find an active fire in the engine compartment of a car. A 1 3/4 handline was stretched and the fire was contained to the car and no extension to the garage. Only smoke and heat damage to the garage. Car-154,ET-21, Service-154 and Rescue-554 held the scene while the rest of the assignment went in service. The Lisbon FMO is investigation.
Special Thanks to Tom Jencks (MPO) for taking the shots and pumping the engine.
Taftville's crew prepares to place the line on the fire

Firefighters attempt to gain access to the engine compartment