October 5, 2006 - This Afternoon the Mohegan, Montville and MoheganTribal Fire Departments responded to an auto accident at Rt-32 just North of Sandy Desert Rd. (note: Tribal Fire also responds due to a duel response procedure in place) Medic 55 arrived first to find a loaded dump truck had T-Boned a car just north of Sandy Desert Rd. Mohegan and Montville units arrived shortly after and Mohegan Dep Chief (M-20) took command. Luckily no injuries were reported but firefighters from the tribe used their Halomatro spreaders to pop the drivers side door to get the driver out. EMS units obtained refusals. The tribe and Montville units went into service while Mohegan held the scene.

An overview of the scene
A State offical getting ready to move the car
A close up look of the damage to the vehicles