March 2,2006 - At around 08:30hrs the Bozrah FD with mutual aid from Gardner Lake,East Great Plains,Yantic, Oakdale,Mohegan Tribal, Colchester and Mohegan FD's for a structure fire at 52 South Rd. Units arrived to find heavy fire on the "A" side of a residential dwelling. Due to Exploding ammunition a defensive attack was started. It was reported over 400 guns were in the house at the time of the fire. It was also reported the owner left ashes from a wood stove near the front porch which may have started the fire

Bozrah firefighters throw ground ladders against the building

Mohegan Tribal firefighter Dwayne Schramm clears a window out

Mohegan Tribal FF Keith Gomes uses a handline into the back door

Fire races across the roof as firefighters attempt to get into position

Bozrah and Yantic firefighters use ground ladders to attack the fire

Yantic Firefighter Bob Ladd and an unidentified FF prepare to use a handline

Yantic Asst. Chief Paul O'Connell used a handline on an interior wall