Sunday, March 12, 2006

Taftville Auto Accidents

March 6, 2006 - While this day most of the region's Fire Dept's had their share of MVA's, Taftville had it's hsare of auto accidents as well.
The first picture is from a car vs 2 telephone poles on Norwich Ave. The call happened around 02:30hrs and 1 person was trsnported with mnor injuries. TFD remains on the scene for Norwich Public Utilities due to a live primary wire down.
The second accident happened around 13:00hrs. A white mustang pulling out of the Three Rivers college rear lot was almost hit by another car, the driver attempted to to get out of the way but "gunning it" which made the car spin out of control and hit a rock wall, flipping the car on to it's roof. 1 Pt was transported by AASI BLS

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